Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Transit plan aims to ease traffic on Pico and Olympic (La Brea to Centinenla)

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa announced a plan to significantly expedite the flow of traffic for commuters in a citywide effort to improve the heavy traffic situation in Los Angeles.

The plan is to lengthen green lights in favor of drivers heading East on Pico Boulevard and West on Olympic Boulevard and eliminate delays caused by cross traffic and parking.

Phase 1 of the plan proposes to ensure consistent rush hour parking restrictions along bothOlympic and Pico
Phase 2 would create preferential flow signal timing, allowing quicker travel times for motorists heading west on Olympic and east on Pico.The two corridors would remain two-way streets under the initiative but act more like one-way streets, the Villaraigosa spokesman said.
After evaluating the results of the initial steps, the city plans tore-stripe Olympic and Pico in
Phase 3 of the project, adding more westbound lanes on Olympic and more eastbound lanes on Pico, the Villaraigosa spokesman said.